Work Related Issues

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5 Tips for Working at your laptop pain-free

Flexible working, working on the move, working from home and the advances in technology mean that more and more people use a laptop for their work. But ergonomically, laptops aren’t great for working on and overtime can cause issues. So, here’s a few tips to help keep back, neck, shoulder and arm pain at bay.

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‘Shake Up September’ Workplace Challenge

Companies and organisations across the UKย are invited to take part in the ‘Workplace Challenge’ this month, in a campaign named ‘Shake Up September’. The aim of the programme is to promote sport, physical activity and health improvements across the UK’s workplaces. With both the Olympics & Paralympics fresh in people’s minds, the Workplace Challenge aims

‘Shake Up September’ Workplace Challenge

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Is Standing the New Sitting? goPhysio Investigate

Standing desks are very common in the USA, but havenโ€™t really caught on yet over here yet in such a big way. Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is now one of the highest risk factors for diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Another study suggested that sitting for prolonged periods is as dangerous as smoking is for your health. So should we be standing more?

Is Standing the New Sitting? goPhysio Investigate