Roz Brawn MCSP

Roz Brawn MCSP

Physiotherapist & APPI Pilates Instructor

Having spent my entire childhood, from the age of 4 years old, training as a gymnast, it was only natural I would spend my career working in an area dedicated to optimising human movement and performance.  This has resulted in a career that has so far spanned over 25 years, from working in the NHS, to Private Practice and Elite Sport.

My work as a physiotherapist has allowed me to indulge my other passion of travel as I have worked at European and World Championships, Commonwealth and Olympic Games, in various places around the globe. My passport is now hidden away and I have been at goPhysio since 2017.

Outside of work my life is mainly taken up running around after my young son, and running with my cocker spaniel.  If I ever get the time I try to get out on the water to sail or paddle board.

Unpopular opinion – 3 things I don’t like, that many love…….. coffee, swimming, winter

Something that may surprise you about me……… I used to live in Australia and I bought a 4WD vehicle and drove it back to England – yes it’s a long way!


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