Jade Standard

Behind The Mask: Jade

Hi I’m Jade and I work on the reception desk here at goPhysio. I am so happy to be flexibly back at work after nearly 6 months off. I have really missed the clinic and especially all of the lovely patients that I get to meet and chat with. One thing lockdown has taught me is that I love my job and the ‘me time’ that it allows me to have outside of a very hectic family life!ย 

Behind The Mask: Jade

IMG 3463

The Value of Contact: why we still love face to face!

Over the last 6 months, healthcare has experienced a HUGE shift. As a result of the global pandemic we are all still living with, face to face health care experienced an absolute drastic decline. For obvious reasons. The NHS has had to prioritise managing Coronavirus care, health issues that were not deemed urgent became a very low priority and potential risk of transmission meant that many healthcare interactions shifted from face to face (in person) to virtual (aka online, video, phone consultations etc.).ย 

The Value of Contact: why we still love face to face! Read More ยป