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Is Standing the New Sitting? goPhysio Investigate

Standing desks are very common in the USA, but haven’t really caught on yet over here yet in such a big way. Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is now one of the highest risk factors for diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Another study suggested that sitting for prolonged periods is as dangerous as smoking is for your health. So should we be standing more?

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Hypermobility Syndrome

If you suffer from hypermobile joints, seeing a Physiotherapist may be beneficial, as they will able to guide you on how to safely exercise and train. They will also be able to prescribe a set of home exercises to strengthen and support the joints more effectively, without damaging them and advise you how to care for your joints.

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An Arthritis Overview

This blog will cover the 4 most common types of arthritis and give you more information on what it is, which joints are affected and how it can be treated. Physiotherapy has a crucial role in helping all types of arthritis by helping to maximise muscle strength, joint mobility and flexibility and supporting functional independence, so helping you to keep doing the things you enjoy.

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Feet – How come they’ve grown after I’ve had a baby?

If you have noticed that your feet have permanently increased in size after you’ve had your baby, with your middle arch starting to flatten out, goPhysio could help. With our GaitScan system, we can assess your new foot position and if it would help you, provide you with a pair of custom made orthotics which will help support the arches of your foot and relieve the pressure on other structures higher up in your leg