Balance and Dizziness

goPhysio Dizzy Clinic

Understanding BPPV: The Most Common Vestibular Disorder

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common vestibular (inner ear) disorder and the most common cause of vertigo or dizziness. It is a false sensation of spinning or movement. While itโ€™s not life-threatening, it can significantly impact your daily life. What is BPPV? BPPV occurs when small calcium crystals (called otoconia), which are […]

Understanding BPPV: The Most Common Vestibular Disorder

Balance Awreness Week

Balance Awareness Week

Balance Awareness Weekย takes place annually in the third week of September. The aim of the week is to broaden understanding of vestibular (inner ear) disorders and how they affect peopleโ€™s day to day lives. Those who are affected by balance issues often report that their family, friends and colleagues donโ€™t understand what theyโ€™re going through due

Balance Awareness Week