
goPhysio Dizzy Clinic

Understanding BPPV: The Most Common Vestibular Disorder

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common vestibular (inner ear) disorder and the most common cause of vertigo or dizziness. It is a false sensation of spinning or movement. While itโ€™s not life-threatening, it can significantly impact your daily life. What is BPPV? BPPV occurs when small calcium crystals (called otoconia), which are

Understanding BPPV: The Most Common Vestibular Disorder

Pilates Chandlers Ford

The Perils of the Unregulated Pilates Boom: From Healing Practice to Potential Hazard

I read an interesting article this weekend in The Times. It’s behind a paywall, so I’ve summarised my thoughts and put a few highlights in this blog as I reflect on the important points it highlights. The Rise of Modern Pilates StudiosPilates, once a niche form of exercise and used for rehabilitation and injury recovery,

The Perils of the Unregulated Pilates Boom: From Healing Practice to Potential Hazard Read More ยป

goPhysio Values

Our Values at goPhysio

Like most businesses, we have a set of Values at goPhysio that act as a guiding light for us – they are our core principles and beliefs that guide our actions, decisions, and behaviour. A set of values helps us foster a cohesive and positive culture, creating a sense of shared purpose and identity among

Our Values at goPhysio

Rest isn't rehab goPhysio

Rest Isn’t Rehab

Why Rest Alone Doesn’t Help an Injury: A Simple Guide If youโ€™ve ever been injured, you might have heard the advice to โ€œjust rest and youโ€™ll get better.โ€ This is often the standard line from overwhelmed GPs and ‘walk in centres’ nowadays, who just don’t have the time or resources to give any advice or

Rest Isn’t Rehab

goPhysio Purpose

goPhysio’s Purpose

Why do we exist here at goPhysio, what do we actually do?! Well, we ‘do’ lot’s of things – built around our core service of physio, we also do Sports Therapy, Rehab, Pilates, Shockwave, acupuncture and many other things. So what?! What does all of that mean to you as an individual who is in

goPhysio’s Purpose

Autism Acceptance week

The 7 things that Iโ€™ve learnt since Autism has touched our family, dispelling some autism myths

#AutsimAcceptanceWeek As part of my role at goPhysio, I often highlight key โ€˜awareness weeksโ€™ that are directly related to our work and the area of musculoskeletal health, physio, Pilates & injuries. But this week, is slightly different. This week is Autism Acceptance Week and a week that highlights a topic that has touched mine and

The 7 things that Iโ€™ve learnt since Autism has touched our family, dispelling some autism myths Read More ยป