Migraine Awareness Week

Each September, The Migraine Trust dedicates a week to raise general awareness of migraine as a serious public health issue and to reduce stigma.

Migraine is the third most common disease in the world, and it is estimated that as many as one out of every seven people suffer with migraines. Despite being recognised as one of the most disabling lifetime conditions, many people don’t really understand migraines, and their impact on peoples lives.

This year the Migraine Trust are focusing on how migraine hurts in many ways. From physical pain to the emotional pain that often comes with living with the condition, and the pain of encountering the misconceptions across society about migraine.

How goPhysio can help people with migraine

Headaches and migraines can have many different causes. You can read more about some of the common types on a previous blog.

Physiotherapy techniques can be very effective at successfully relieving and preventing headaches and migraines. One such technique we use at goPhysio is acupuncture.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture works as preventative method for treating headaches and migraines – it works to resolve the cause of the issue by addressing imbalances and then continues to maintain that equilibrium to prevent any further re-occurrence of migraines.

Migraines often have a systemic cause involving reduced or compromised blood supply to the brain – TCM Acupuncture aims to improve the blood supply and circulation to help reduce the symptoms of a migraine.

It can also help with the following:

  • Pain relief – by stimulating nerves located in the surrounding muscles, neuro-chemicals are released that alter how the brain processes pain signals.
  • Reducing inflammation – by promoting the release of vascular and immune system altering factors.
  • Regulating extra- and intra-cranial blood flow.
  • Reducing the degree of cortical spreading depression, which is an electrical wave in the brain common in migraines.
  • Affecting the serotonin levels within the brain, which can halt an acute migraine attack

Read more about the evidence and safety of using acupuncture to treat migraines.

At goPhysio, we will use an integrated approach to help you manage your migraines. We will look at all the factors involved and tend to use acupuncture as a part of your treatment programme, which may also include:

  • Exercises to address muscle strength, flexibility and stability around the neck and back areas if this is contributing to your migraines
  • Education and advice to address any lifestyle factors or habits
  • Addressing any other areas that may be contributing to your problems, commonly neck, thoracic spine or shoulder regions

Read more

Tension headaches

Cervicogenic headaches

The prevalence of headaches

#letsbeatmigraine #migraineawarenessweek


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