We’re half way through the famous annual Wimbledon Tennis event. It’s such a popular event and certainly creates a buzz around the sport.
Tennis places huge physical demands on the professionals, which is understandable given the rigorous training and competition they take part in. Yet, for the novice tennis players out there, injuries can be just as problematic.
Common tennis injuries include:
- Tennis elbow
- Shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff tears or impingement
- Low back pain
- Wrist sprains
- Calf muscle injuries
- Ankle sprains
- Knee injuries such as ligament sprain or tendon issues
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
Mild to moderate soft tissue injuries can often be well managed at home using P.O.L.I.C.E. principles. However, many tennis injuries result from ‘overuse’ – so an injury that is from a sustained, repeated action, like a tennis grip or swing. If this is the case, you may need help identifying exactly where the problem is stemming from and what changes that are needed. Physiotherapy is an effective way of resolving all of the above common injuries.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have written a summary of the common tennis injuries and how physiotherapy can help.
If injury’s stopping you from enjoying a game of tennis, then get is touch with us at goPhysio. We’ll provide an accurate diagnosis of your injury and a treatment programme that works to get you back in the game.