Sophie Grimes

Sophie Grimes Sports and Rehabilitation Therapist

Sophie Grimes

Sports & Rehabilitation Therapist

At 17 I tore a muscle and herniated a disk in my lower back, little did i know at the time this was the case! When this injury occurred, I was already following my passion of studying hard to become a sports rehab therapist. Having not been taken seriously about this injury by various professionals this spurred me on to be able to give the treatment to patients that I should have been given myself with care and empathy following too! I have worked in various backgrounds, such as football and private clinics and completed courses to help enable this determination to help people further.

Outside of work, I try and follow the same rules I give my patients, gym, swim and play golf occasionally, as well as have some downtime with friends either by playing Xbox with them, socially seeing them, or just having a catch up over face time. I am also a keen car enthusiast so will go on track days and super car events most weekends over the course of the summer and plan on adpating some changes to my own car as well!

Unpopular Opinion โ€“ 3 things I donโ€™t like, that many loveโ€ฆ..Game of Thrones is overrated, I’m not a fan of weddings and Pepsi Max is better than Coke.

One fun fact about me is…… the age of 10, I pulled a book out of my bag on a flight back from Gran Canaria and low and behold a lizard was on my lap in my hands, the flight attendant and myself and my family were entirely shocked about the whole thing but the lizard jumped off my lap and scurried away never to be seen again!


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