National Fitness Day 2016

National Fitness Dayย is the biggest and most visible annual celebration of physical activity. Taking place on 7th September, this year it co-incides with the opening ceremony of the Rio 2016 Paralympic games. The day aims to try and help overcome the challenge of being fit, by involving lots of local clubs, parks and leisure centres in showcasing what they have on offer.

Everyone knows how important being physically active is, the health benefits are undisputed. But getting & keeping active, can be a challenge.

Here’s our top tips on how to be your fittest:

  • Don’t focus on having to EXERCISE, think more about being ACTIVE. You don’t have to be sweating for 60 minutes in an exercise class to get fit!
  • Variety is key – look to incorporate a variety of physical activities into your week. Mix up an exercise class, a walk, housework, a bike ride, taking the stairs instead of the lift, using the car less on a certain day……..or try different organised activities such as a group walk, yoga class, Pilates.
  • Make it fun & sociable. It’s much easier to stick to something if you enjoy it. Take up something with a friend or arrange a physical activity instead of meeting for a coffee!
  • Try something new. Think outside the box and look for something newly launched or new to you to try.
  • Use a pedometer or activity tracker to monitor how active you are. Set yourself goals or challenge friends or family.
  • Don’t let pain or an injury stop you being active. If you find yourself injured, come and get some expert help and advice to make sure you stay active. Even if you can’t take part temporarily in your chosen activity, there are lots of ways to modify your activities to stay active.



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