Better Health for 2021 for you

Public Health England have just launched a brand new campaign, towards better health. They want to help feeling better and getting healthier simple.

Small and simple changes today could be your first step towards a healthier you. And itโ€™s never been so important to invest in your health. Whether you want to lose weight, quit smoking, get active or boost your mood, take the first step today. Visit the Better Health website for free advice and support. Letโ€™s do this!

Physical activity

Why should I get active?

Being active is good for your mind and body. Every minute of activity counts โ€“ and the more you do, the more youโ€™ll benefit.

Exercise can:

  • improve your sleep
  • clear your mind
  • boost your energy
  • help with back or joint pain

Exercise can also reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimerโ€™s disease and some cancers.

Simple tips to move more

  1. Get into a good habit
    Set a reminder (you could use the alarm or timer on your phone) to get up and move every 30 minutes during the day. Try stretching during TV ad breaks or pacing around the kitchen while the kettleโ€™s boiling. Walk around when youโ€™re on the phone instead of sitting still. Or maybe start the day with a 10 minute yoga or stretching routine.
  2. Leave for lunch
    Go get some fresh air and take the chance to unwind at the same time.
  3. Your own stand-up routine
    Try standing when you can instead of sitting โ€“ even short periods will add up and improve your strength.
  4. Take up a hobby
    Active hobbies like gardening or DIY can be great for your mind as well as your body.
  5. Track your progress
    Hitting your daily target will feel great! Using tracking apps can help, but even just a checklist on a piece of paper will do or create a group chat with friends or family to all check in on each other.
  6. Itโ€™s better together
    Do something active with friends and family โ€“ why not grab a coffee and take a walk around the park?
  7. Go from strength to strength
    Strength-building activities โ€“ like carrying heavy shopping bags, Pilates, home workouts or yoga โ€“ keep muscles, joints and bones strong. Aim to do this at least twice a week.
  8. Reward yourself
    Set yourself activity goals and rewards. You could go for a long walk then treat yourself to an episode of your favourite TV show!
  9. Find something you enjoy
    Try one of our offers below to find something thatโ€™s right for you, or check your local leisure centre for classes and activities.

Make a start today โ€“ itโ€™s never too late!

Click here for ideas and lotโ€™s of free resources!

How can goPhysio help you?

Our team of experts can help you in so many ways?

  • If you have an ongoing, recurrent or longstanding condition, such as arthritis, back pain or youโ€™re waiting for surgery, you may not be sure what exercise or activity you can do. We can complete a thorough assessment, chat through your goals and what youโ€™d like achieve, and help advise and empower you with a plan youโ€™re confident in.
  • If an injury or pain is stopping you, donโ€™t let it! There is often a very quick and simple solution with the right plan. We have a range of services to get to the root of your problem and help you recover so you can get on with life!
  • We offer a 1-2-1 exercise based rehab service, which is a little like Clinical PT. A great way to highlight weaknesses and actual or potential problems and have a supervised program to tackle these issues.ย Read more here.
  • Pilates is a wonderful form of exercise, suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. Weโ€™re currently offering a range of online classes, both live and on demand.ย Read more here.



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