Christmas Shopping Survival Guide!

Fiona’s top tip this Christmas is to try and get out and do some Christmas shopping rather than be tempted to do it all online. Christmas shopping can be a great way of getting some activity into your week, but it can also be quite physically demanding. This weekend is surely set to be a busy one for Christmas shopping, so here’s a few pointers to help you get the most of it!

Take a back pack – this is a great way of carrying shopping without straining your neck, shoulders and arms. It spreads the loads easily and keeps your hands free for extras! Particularly now we are ditching the plastic bags and taking our own bags shopping, a back back is a great choice!

Wear good footwear – you can really rack up the steps when you’re out shopping, plus you’ll potentially have lots of standing round in queues and carrying extra weight. Wear something comfortable and supportive, that is cushioned for some shock absorbency. Also, given the icy weather we’ve woken up to, something non-slip is a great idea.

Break up your day – takes lots of breaks to give yourself a bit of a rest. Take a few minutes to have a seat, check off your shopping list and plan the rest of your day. A great excuse for a lovely coffee too!

Do it in small chunks – if you can, plan a few smaller shopping trips rather than one huge spree. Breaking it up will take less of a toll on your physically (and mentally!). It’s also nice variety to go to different towns or shopping centres.

Keep well hydrated – particularly important if you’re in and out of warm shops, inside and outside. Carry a bottle of water with you and sip it regularly throughout the day, as well as making regular refreshment stops to recharge.

Spread the load across smaller bags – in addition  to a backpack, take a few smaller bags so that you can carry your shopping evenly. Try and think symmetry so you carry even loads on each side.

Go with someone to share the load – this is really helpful to share carrying the bags and also a nice social way to shop!

Order bigger, bulkier items online – if you’ve seen something big in store, think about ordering it online so you don’t have to struggle with carrying it. Some shops also offer a collection service too, so you can pick it up after you have finished your shopping.

Happy shopping! 


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